A step further
Frédérique Stref
VERVE Frédérique Stref " In Awe of Nature" - Words by Milly Nolan
Le Petit Journal Auckland : Frédérique Stref : « La Nouvelle-Zélande m'a reconnectée avec la nature »
Art around the globe. Created by Sabine Ludwig
Singapore Art & Gallery Guide ""Combines Art Nouveau with Ancient Greek technique of encaustic (hot wax)''
Mediacorp 938 Now - ''Stunning Encaustics Paintings by French Artist Frederique Stref ""
City Nomad - ''13 June French Artist Frederique Stref unique Encaustic Art on Display"
Asia Today - ''French artist Frederique Stef launches inaugural art exhibition in Singapore"
Greece Outside In - Blog - ''French artist Frederique Stref launches inaugural art exhibition in Singapore"
Le Petit Journal Singapour - 'Nouvelle exposition a voir sans plus attendre"